Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Walking and Noticing

Since the beginning of 2019, when I had first a tooth infection, then a really debilitating, long-lasting cough, I have let my health slip. Not eating so well, and not exercising. I am eating better since lock down because I am weaning myself off the little 'treats' (how is something that's not good for you be a treat?), and I have started walking again. I knew I wasn't as fit as I had been, but it has been shocking to realise just how bad I'd got!
Today I did 2 x 2km walks to the short end of the road and back, plus 2km this evening after dinner. And I am feeling better for it, mentally as well as physically, and my blood sugar has dropped a bit too.Daily walking the same route also gives me an opportunity so observe my little part of the world, and I am reminded of how observation is on of the principles of permaculture, and that permaculture has given me the best structure for thinking about, and living in, this world.
Tomorrow I have my NIA Heal exercise class on Zoom, but will still do some walking as well. Regardless of whether I live through this damn pandemic or not, I am determined to be the healthiest I can every day.

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