Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Permacultural Meanderings #2

February 20 - 21, 2010 PDC - Philosophy and Design

I approached the first two days of the PDC with trepidation: it sounded very academic and formal, and it is a very, very long time since I last did any formal study (like 37 years since I finished a basic social sciences degree majoring in psychology - hardly relevant!)

By the end of the two days at Waimarie Community House, Hamilton, I was utterly exhausted, as high as a kite, and couldn't get to sleep as my brain was buzzing so much! Jo Pearsall and Brian Innes were not just informative and inspiring, they also made learning seem very easy and wonderfully enjoyable.
Jo Pearsall

Brian on left (obviously!)

The ethics and principles of permaculture were introduced and discussed, with group exercises to reinforce the ideas.

We got out into the community garden (originally designed and set up by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust) for part of the design module.

and for lunch:

We even had demonstration of scything - I so want to get a scythe and learn to use it.

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